Flowers may not serve as decoration only. An important contribution is also for health. Plants filter air and release oxygen. Choose carefully flowers to bedroom.
Flowers can help
There is nothing worse than when you are shuffling from side to side at night, and waking up in the morning sleepless and tired. Insomnia significantly affects daytime productivity, mood, energy, and overall impact on quality of life. In addition to herbal sleeping tea, flowers can help even if they are in a flower pot. Flowers significantly affect the person’s psyche, air quality and calm. It is proven that time spent in nature reduces stress, so why could not we get a bit of nature in the bedroom?
Versatile lavender
Who would not love products made of lavender? The soaps, perfume or scent of the wardrobe are only small example of the few products that this plant uses. It is also known by its ability to calm down and reduce stress. It induces a peaceful sleep and has a direct sedative effect on a person. According to research, lavender scent slows heart rate and lowers blood pressure. For these reasons, people put it in the bedroom. There are even mattresses with lavender scents or special fragrance masks. The cheapest option is simply to buy lavender in a flower pot and place it in the bedroom.
Exotic jasmine
The plant originating in China has many representatives in our country as well. Her scent is typical especially in the gardens of the villages, but you can also grow it in the interior. It is in a cooler room, making it an ideal plant to the bedroom. In addition to the beautiful characteristic aroma, it also has positive effects on the quality of sleep, improves the mood, reduces anxiety and irritation.
Healthy oxygen during sleep
The most recommended plant for improving air quality is the Sansevieria. It dispose formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene and toxic chemicals in the air. The great thing is that it absorbs carbon dioxide at night and releases oxygen, improving the air and improving sleep. Beware, however, this unpretentious plant is poisonously toxic! If you have small children or pets at home, be careful!
Home First Aid Kit
If you have aloe vera at home, you have first aid kit right by your hand. The leaves contain rare amino acids, minerals and vitamins that have wide-spectrum use in various health external but also internal difficulties. As well as Sansevieria, this plant also produces oxygen during the night, which causes a quieter sleep. This succulent is unprepared for cultivation. He’s especially in sunny places.
Super clarifying
Finally, we mention the plant number one, which is the “air cleaner” capability. It´s ivy. Not only is it able to filter harmful benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde toxins, but also increases the air humidity in the room by up to 5%. It is especially suitable for allergists because it suppresses microbes from the air, relieves the feeling of dryness in the throat and nose.