No woman say no to a bouquet of beautiful flowers. Flowers in the home makes cosy environment and improve the mood. However, they need careful care to keep them in vase for some time. How can you extend life to a cut flower?
When you get the bouquet
Flowers are prone to temperature changes. If the weather is colder outside, leave the bouquet after you bring it in for at least half an hour wrapped in paper to gradually adapt to the ambient temperature. Before setting the bouquet into the water vase, adjust the stems. Cut the roses with a sharp knife with an angled cut so the flower is able to draw as much water as possible. Stalks run daily under water to get as little oxygen as possible. The stem is able to quickly close itself and then take less water. The woody stems and sunflowers are cut into a cross, can even be gently crushed about 2-3 cm from the stem end. Chrysanthemums are recommended to wrap the stem so that the plant has a better access to water. Water in the vase should be lukewarm and fresh. Do not forget to change it every day. In the case of the use of nutrition for cut flowers, it is enough to replace the water once every 2-3 days. The level of the water should be such that only stems, not leaves, are submerged in the water. For most species of flowers, it is recommended that the water extends to about 2/3 of stem height. More water in vase needs especially rose, about 3/4 stem height. Chrysanthemums and gerberas just need little water, only 2-3 cm from the end of the stem.
Place for splendor
Choosing where to put the bouquet is also very important. Direct sunshine and wind do not makes good to flowers. In the colder place, they will last for a long time. If you have the opportunity to place them in the cooler room or in the refrigerator. They will hold you longer. Watch out for the fruit bowl! The fruit releases ethylene, which adversely affects its life. So do not put a bouquet next to the fruit.
Comfort for each flower
Each flower is unique and needs other care. Choose larger vases for the stems to have enough space. Place the flowers in the unblocked vase. Beware of flowers such as tulips, daffodils or lilies. They simply do not belong to the vase. They exclude substances that damage other flowers.
Nurture each one of the stems
A well-washed vase is a matter of course. If you did not or did not buy for a nutrient flower that is given in water to adjust the pH of the water, add carbohydrates in the form of sugar or sodium and potassium in the form of a pinch of cooking salt. Good advice is the addition of aspirin that prolongs beauty and plant life.
Sort them off
Some flowers wax faster than others. Therefore, discard them regularly and swallow them so that widespread rot does not cause the others to die more quickly. This also applies to leaves that should not be soaked in water. They support rot and mold formation.